Compressor After Wah. placing the compressor before the wah pedal can help to even out the dynamics of your playing, while placing it after the wah. The best guitar effects pedal chain order starts with tuner pedals (closest to the guitar), followed by wah then fuzz. Eq and modulation pedals should go next, and reverb and delay should go last in the chain. Compression) should go next, and then overdrive and distortion. when doing clean wah, the compressor after the wah smooths out the volume. When a wah pedal is placed before distortion, the sweep of the wah has a more pronounced effect on the frequency. If compressor is before wah, your wah's bandpassed. Wah pedals also go before modulation, delay, reverb and eq effects which typically go at the end of the chain to achieve their full effects. wah pedals should go before compressor pedals because otherwise the compressor will limit the dynamics and response of the wah pedal.
When a wah pedal is placed before distortion, the sweep of the wah has a more pronounced effect on the frequency. If compressor is before wah, your wah's bandpassed. Wah pedals also go before modulation, delay, reverb and eq effects which typically go at the end of the chain to achieve their full effects. The best guitar effects pedal chain order starts with tuner pedals (closest to the guitar), followed by wah then fuzz. when doing clean wah, the compressor after the wah smooths out the volume. Compression) should go next, and then overdrive and distortion. placing the compressor before the wah pedal can help to even out the dynamics of your playing, while placing it after the wah. wah pedals should go before compressor pedals because otherwise the compressor will limit the dynamics and response of the wah pedal. Eq and modulation pedals should go next, and reverb and delay should go last in the chain.
Built the BYOC 5 Knob Compressor, swapped it in for my wah, and
Compressor After Wah If compressor is before wah, your wah's bandpassed. Compression) should go next, and then overdrive and distortion. Wah pedals also go before modulation, delay, reverb and eq effects which typically go at the end of the chain to achieve their full effects. wah pedals should go before compressor pedals because otherwise the compressor will limit the dynamics and response of the wah pedal. If compressor is before wah, your wah's bandpassed. Eq and modulation pedals should go next, and reverb and delay should go last in the chain. placing the compressor before the wah pedal can help to even out the dynamics of your playing, while placing it after the wah. The best guitar effects pedal chain order starts with tuner pedals (closest to the guitar), followed by wah then fuzz. When a wah pedal is placed before distortion, the sweep of the wah has a more pronounced effect on the frequency. when doing clean wah, the compressor after the wah smooths out the volume.